Just imagine: it’s a warm summer day. You stroll down the greenway on your lunch break to grab a house-made, freshly scooped mound of ice cream. You walk back towards campus along the river, enjoying this smooth, creamy treat.
The good news is this scenario isn’t just a pleasant day dream. The UT Creamery is currently in the works and on the way at 2712 Neyland Drive, the former site of the UT Visitors Center.
Creamery manager Nathan Miller, a former UT Extension specialist, says that the Creamery is now under way, and signs of demolition and construction can be seen from Neyland Drive. While much remains to be completed, the retail side of the Creamery, where all the delicious ice cream will be scooped, is starting to come together.
The entire production process will be done on site. Student workers will be hired to help make the ice cream, providing experiential learning and real-world experience before they enter the work force. “That’s the whole premise behind this concept. Not just to produce ice cream, but to give the students some hands-on experience so they’ll know what the real world is like, and not just take it from a book,” Miller says.
While flavor options have not been selected at this point, we do know that Rocky Top-branded items will also be for sale in the retail outlet through partnership with the Department of Retail, Hospitality, and Tourism Management.
We will provide more updates on the Creamery as construction continues and plans come together. Please visit the UT Creamery website for more information.