From job placement to higher EdTPA scores than the national average, agricultural education students within the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications (ALEC) see results. Now, the agricultural education program has been recognized by the National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE) as one of the best in the country.
The NAAE is a professional organization with more than 8,000 members nationwide who provide “agricultural education for the global community through visionary leadership, advocacy, and service.” Members have access to professional networking and development opportunities, as well as extensive awards and recognition programs.
This year, the group honored ALEC with the annual Outstanding Postsecondary Agriculture Program award. Sponsored by Bayer as part of a special project for the National FFA Foundation, the award is presented to programs that boost student motivation, highlight lasting teaching methods, and demonstrate impactful experiential learning.
Through a partnership with the UT Knoxville College of Education, Health and Human Sciences, the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications prepares students fully for the field of education. These efforts provide students a unique opportunity to gain an education degree while having all the experiential opportunities the Herbert College of Agriculture provides.
To find out more about the department’s programs, visit its website.