This year’s Herbert students on the Dean’s Student Advisory Council are working to change the Herbert College of Agriculture in a positive way. The council connects undergraduate representatives with the dean’s administration staff to voice the concerns and interests of the student body.
The council has served as a way for students to communicate with the deans of the College for many years now. These students have solved and brought to light many issues throughout those years and will continue to do so.
The council meets with Interim Dean David White and other staff members twice a semester to create opportunities to discuss the issues or concerns of the College, while also providing a student perspective on certain policies. Some examples include continuance of bus service to the ag campus, student resources in the new agriculture and natural resources building, more time to travel in between classes, etc.
Each department selects a student within the College to represent their department on the council. All individuals are self-nominated and will serve throughout the duration of the academic year.
There are currently eleven members serving on this year’s Dean’s Advisory Council:
ALEC: Emma Gunn
Animal Science: Ella Pollock
Construction Science and Management: Auden Van Laeken
Environmental and Soil Sciences: Mason Thomas
Food and Agricultural Business: Taylor Bundy
Food Science: Peyton Crates
Forestry: Jackson Daniels
Natural Resource and Environmental Economics: Jonathan “Wes” Brandos
Wildlife and Fisheries Science: Adrianna Johnson
Herbert Ambassadors: Jack Mellom and Kaylea Fields
As this academic year comes to a close, the application for the 2024-2025 Dean’s Advisory Council is officially open!
*For 2024-2025, Herbert will launch its first Graduate Student Council. This council will represent graduate students across the entire college in the hopes of providing new opportunities for collaboration, strengthening communication, and working to improve the graduate student experience on the ag campus. Information and further details will be forthcoming!