2024-2025 Committees
The Herbert Graduate Academic Council is the faculty body that reviews, discusses and recommends to the entire Herbert faculty changes to graduate-level courses, curricula and policy. Each academic program may have a representative selected by the department head.
Committee Chair: Dr. Carrie Stephens, Agricultural Leadership, Education & Communications, cfritz@utk.edu
Dr. Bill Klingeman, Plant Sciences, wklingem@utk.edu
Dr. Edward Yu, Agricultural & Resource Economics, tyu1@utk.edu
Dr. Lannett Edwards, Animal Science, jedwards@utk.edu
Dr. Daniel Yoder, Biosystems Engineering, dyoder@utk.edu
Dr. Jie (Joe) Zhuang, Environmental & Soil Sciences, jzhuang@utk.edu
Dr. Toni Wang, Food Science, twang46@utk.edu
Dr. Neelam Poudyal, School of Natural Resources, npoudyal@utk.edu
Dr. Bonnie Ownley, Entomology & Plant Pathology, bownley@utk.edu
Dr. John Stier, Office of the Dean and ex officio ref to the UT Graduate Council, jstier1@utk.edu
The Herbert Undergraduate Academic Council is the faculty body that reviews, discusses and recommends to the entire Herbert faculty changes to undergraduate-level courses, curricula and policy. Each academic program may have a representative selected by the department head. The Herbert Student Council executive committee selects two student representatives.
Committee Chair: Dr. Vermont Dia, Food Science, vdia@utk.edu
Dr. Brent Lamons, Agricultural Leadership, Education & Communications, blamons1@utk.edu
Jon Walton, Agricultural & Resource Economics, jwalton@utk.edu
Dr. Cheryl Kojima, Animal Science, ckojima@utk.edu
Dr. Daniel Yoder, Biosystems Engineering, dyoder@utk.edu
Dr. Sean Schaeffer, Environmental & Soil Sciences, sschaef5@utk.edu
Dr. John Buchanan, Construction Science & Management, jbuchan7@utk.edu
Dr. Kevin Moulton, Entomology & Plant Pathology, jmoulton@utk.edu
Dr. Emma Willcox, School of Natural Resources, ewillcox@tennessee.edu
Dr. David Butler, Plant Sciences, dbutler@utk.edu
Dr. Adam Willcox, Smith International Center, awillcox@tennessee.edu
Amber Rayborn, Office of the Dean, prayborn@utk.edu
Dr. John Stier, Office of the Dean, jstier1@utk.edu
Dean’s Undergraduate Student Advisory Council
The Dean’s Undergraduate Student Advisory Council connects undergraduate student representatives with the dean and their administrative staff. The council functions to represent the voices, concerns, and interests of the diverse student body of the College and to create an impactful pathway between students and administration. Regular meetings with the dean provide opportunities for the advisory council to facilitate open dialogue about issues or concerns in the College while also providing an avenue for the dean to solicit student perspectives on policy matters. This mutual exchange of meaningful dialogue strengthens the communication among students and the dean’s office. Examples in which the council advises the Herbert College of Agriculture’s dean includes increasing break time between classes, advocating for the continuance of bus service to the ag campus, bringing food trucks to campus, the inspiration behind the creation of our graduate school information session, providing insight into what student spaces are needed, and much more.
The Dean’s Undergraduate Student Advisory Council meets twice a semester, with time and location determined by the dean and administrative staff.
Member Selection
Each department within the College selects an undergraduate representative to the council through a self-nomination process, along with two Herbert Ambassadors, making the council rich with representation from all facets of the College. These students will serve throughout the duration of the academic year and departments with multiple majors should select one representative for each major. The two selected Herbert Ambassadors, who undergo the same self-nomination process, will serve in addition to the eleven selected members from the College departments. If a student served on the council previously, they are encouraged to apply to serve again should their schedule allow. The goal is to broaden student representation and further engagement in the College.
Committee Chair: Madalyn Walker, Office of the Dean, madalyn@utk.edu
2024-2025 Members
Agricultural Education, Leadership, and Communications: Madelyn Rodell
Animal Science: awaiting selection
Construction Science: Jacob Cohen
Biosystems Engineering: Lily Hague
Environmental and Soil Science: Mason Thomas
Forestry: Jackson Daniels
Food and Agricultural Business: Becca Henegar
Food Science: Kaylea Fields
Natural Resource and Environmental Economics: Zoe Turner
Plant Science: Rachel Duncan
Herbert Ambassadors: Alli Wiggins and Bryce McKenzie
The Herbert Scholarship Committee reviews scholarship applications and makes awards. They coordinate with departmental scholarship committees.
Committee Chair: Cassie Johnson, Office of the Dean, cassie@utk.edu
Dr. Molly West, Agricultural Leadership, Education & Communications, malbin1@utk.edu
Dr. Karen DeLong, Agricultural & Resource Economics, klewis89@tennessee.edu
Taylor Langford, Animal Science, tlangfo4@utk.edu
Dr. Daniel Yoder, Biosystems Engineering & Soil Sciences, dyoder@utk.edu
Dr. Kim Gwinn, Entomology & Plant Pathology, kgwinn@utk.edu
Dr. Charlie Kwit, School of Natural Resources, ckwit@utk.edu
Dr. Brandon Horvath, Plant Sciences, bhorvath@utk.edu
The Student Government Association’s Student Senate is a governing body of 60 undergraduate students that represent the interests and well-being of all students at the University of Tennessee. Each academic college and residency classification is represented through senators elected by their fellow students in the annual Student Government Association elections, which are held each spring.
Herbert Senators:
Margaret Gourley, ygr358@vols.utk.edu
Andrew Hogan, ahogan8@vols.utk.edu
AFA exists to create and empower transformational leaders in the fields of food and agriculture. Ambassadors promote AFA to peers, university faculty and staff and industry professionals. In return, AFA Ambassadors develop workforce preparedness through real-world professional experiences to set them up for success as young professionals and beyond.
Herbert’s AFA Ambassador:
Callie Robinson, rpd587@vols.utk.edu