Faculty are encouraged to continue their professional development through participation in NACTA and other activities. Two endowments support certain types of faculty development. Proposals may be submitted any time of year.
The Neal and Tacie Peacock Teaching Award
Dr. Neal Peacock, former dean of resident instruction, retired in 1967 after 45 years of service to the College of Agriculture. Through the generosity of Dr. Peacock and his wife, Tacie, an endowment fund was established to improve teaching and learning in the College.
The purposes of the endowment are:
- to encourage the faculty of the Herbert College of Agriculture to initiate and implement innovative teaching methods
- to improve evaluation of student learning in courses
- to motivate and guide students to a higher level of comprehension, communication, and reasoning skills
Educational projects and activities eligible for support may:
- bring outstanding teachers and/or resource personnel to campus to focus on instructional methods, learner assessment, learning styles, advising, and other aspects of teaching
- invite proposals for innovative teaching methods or the evaluation of student learning
- provide travel funds for faculty to visit other institutions of higher education for the purpose of learning from colleagues about teaching
All members of the faculty offering courses for college-credit through the College are eligible to submit proposals for projects and activities as described above.
Proposals should be concise and include:
- clearly stated objective(s) of the project/activity
- clear procedures and methods
- anticipated impact
- anticipated scholarly or creative work resulting from the project/activity
- timetable
- detailed budget including any departmental contribution
A report summarizing the results of the approved proposal is due within 60 days after the project is completed. Any articles published should acknowledge the support provided from the Neal and Tacie Peacock Teaching Endowment. A copy of such publication should be provided to the Office of the Dean.
Proposal Selection Criteria
Projects that demonstrate imagination and innovation in education will be given high priority. Proposals that show promise of leading to expanded projects or support by external funding agencies are encouraged. The extent to which projects demonstrate truly effective teaching and/or learning will also be an important consideration.
Proposals requesting funds to supplement salary, pay hourly student workers, or purchase normal budgetary items will not be considered.
Wharton Faculty Development Award
The Wharton Faculty Development Fund is supported through the generosity of Charles and Julie Wharton. The fund is intended to support faculty development with the goal to keep the Herbert College of Agriculture faculty on the cutting edge of their disciplines.
This award is intended to allow faculty to participate in special training that will contribute to improving their program. It is not intended for participation in annual conferences of professional societies held domestically or internationally.
Past recipients have participated in intensive workshops to update teaching skills or provided assistance to work in a colleague’s lab at another institution to learn new techniques to incorporate into their laboratory teaching methods.
All members of the faculty offering courses for college-credit through the Herbert College of Agriculture are eligible to submit proposals for projects and activities as described above.
Proposals should be concise and include:
- clearly stated objective(s) related to the activity
- anticipated impact
- anticipated scholarly or creative work resulting from the activity
- timetable
- detailed budget including any departmental contribution
A report summarizing the results of the approved proposal is due within 60 days after the activity is completed. Any articles published should acknowledge the support provided from the Wharton Faculty Development Award. A copy of such publication should be provided to the Office of the Dean.
Proposal Selection Criteria
Projects that demonstrate imagination and innovation in faculty development will be given high priority. Proposals that show promise of leading to expanded projects or support by external funding agencies for educational enhancements are encouraged. The extent to which projects demonstrate truly effective teaching and/or learning will also be an important consideration.
Proposals requesting funds to supplement salary, pay hourly student workers, or purchase normal budgetary items will not be considered.