Thirteen college seniors were recognized as All-Americans at the 115th National Collegiate Livestock Judging Contest Awards Ceremony at the North American Livestock Exposition in Louisville, Kentucky. This is the 21st year that All-American Livestock Judging Awards have been presented. The program was initiated by the Livestock Judging Team Coaches’ Association in 2000. The All American program is designed to recognize students who have made a personal commitment to livestock judging but just as importantly have excelled in academic performance, university and industry activities and community service. The following 13 honorees representing 7 universities make up our 2020 team. The average GPA of this year’s recipients is an impressive 3.86.
Megan Mills, University of Tennessee. Megan is a Herbert College of Agriculture Ambassador, Student Government Association Senator, Ignite Program Team Leader and Vice President of Risk Management for Alpha Chi Omega Sorority. She grew up on a 100-head Angus operation in Eastern Tennessee. She has also worked as an intern with Athens Stockyard and Ag Central Farmers’ Cooperative. In addition, Megan has been a student assistant for the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine. She has been involved with numerous mission trips to Nicaragua which piqued her interest in international agriculture. She will graduate with a degree in Animal Science with minors in Spanish and International Agriculture and plans to attend veterinary school. She hopes to focus on large animal reproduction and become board certified in theriogenology. She also plans to continue her involvement in Nicaragua once she becomes a veterinarian. Ultimately, she would like to teach Animal Science courses at the university level.