Ethan Darby, who recently graduated with his master’s degree in plant sciences, received the prestigious invitation of presenting his thesis defense to members of the NASA Kennedy Space Center on…
Ethan Darby, who recently graduated with his master’s degree in plant sciences, received the prestigious invitation of presenting his thesis defense to members of the NASA Kennedy Space Center on…
Genevieve Krass, a junior environmental and soil sciences major, is participating in the Tennessee Legislative Internship Program for the spring 2024 semester. An incredibly prestigious professional opportunity, Krass will spend…
The Collegiate Information and Visitor Services Association (CIVSA) hosted the 2024 Student Development Institute (SDI) National Conference January 4–6 in Atlanta, Georgia. Cassie Johnson, the Herbert College of Agriculture’s director…
The Wildlife and Fisheries Society (WFS) is one of thirty-plus student organizations in the Herbert College of Agriculture, allowing students in the School of Natural Resources to complement their education…
Caitlin Dalton, a graduate student in plant sciences, received the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) grant for her research on Trichoderma, Fusarium wilt, and their effects on tomato production.…
The Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) Fellows Program announced the 2023 cohort, which includes thirty fellows from colleges and universities across the country. Katy Smith and Elias Zuchelli,…
Zane Smith, a PhD student in entomology and plant pathology, is spearheading research on native ash trees in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, which are under threat of extinction…
Harrison Falcofsky, a junior agriculture leadership, education and communication major, has recently been chosen by the National Association of Agricultural Educators as a 2023-2024 National #TeachAg Ambassador. What drew you…
Ravi Neelipally, a PhD student in plant and soil science, received the 2023 Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Graduate Student Research Grant of $16,200 for his work on…