Zane Smith, a PhD student in entomology and plant pathology, is spearheading research on native ash trees in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, which are under threat of extinction…
Zane Smith Receives NSF Graduate Research Fellowship for Ash Tree Research and Conservation
Harrison Falcofsky—a 2023-2024 #TeachAg Ambassador
Harrison Falcofsky, a junior agriculture leadership, education and communication major, has recently been chosen by the National Association of Agricultural Educators as a 2023-2024 National #TeachAg Ambassador. What drew you…
PhD Student Receives Southern SARE Graduate Student Research Grant
Ravi Neelipally, a PhD student in plant and soil science, received the 2023 Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Graduate Student Research Grant of $16,200 for his work on…